STAR testing is finally over. The one thing I will miss are the numerous games of hang-man.
Berkely tomorrow. I'd be a lot more enthused about it if we weren't leaving at five in the morning, and even more enthused if we weren't driving there.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Today felt like two or three different days. It has been going on forever.
Saturday school was unexpectedly entertaining. An epic battle laden with slurs and unjust hierarchy occurred between teacher and student.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today was just fine. There was hardly anything wrong with it. It was an ordinary day. It reminded me how lonely and sad I am. But it was a fine day. A perfectly fine and lovely day. It was a little chilly, though. Nobody cares. Today was just fine.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I just took two tablespoons of Nyquil. Before I pass out, I hope to work on some songs and perhaps play the Sims
When I was creating a black eye for myself in the bathroom today, I heard Davis say from the other room that Full of Robots is a masterpiece. it made me obscenely pleased for about 15 seconds.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
that animal, i like him.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
How am I not an introvert? I'm so content to be alone.
Hey, Sea World. IT WAS NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN! except, i think you fucked up my phone. byebye