But that's okay, because this week ends off with, drumroll, winter formal! i didn't go last year, and I've already dragged my friends down with me into the depths of mainstream and conformity, so why the hell not go the whole way and get dressed up and pay too much money on looking good one night? it should be a blast, I say. The group is davis and I, erin and pace, and michael and katie. It is definitely a small group, but whatever man, at least we're going.
The funniest part about this formal thing is that last week, I rounded up a bunch of people to vote for davis for formal king--it wasn't necessarily a joke, but I knew in the back of my head that he totally wouldn't get nominated. BUT HE DID. HE GOT NOMINATED. If he actually wins, I'm going to cry with joy and in hysterical laughter. King Davis; is that not suiting?

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