Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Formal

So, Saturday night was my first formal!
My only complaint is that it was waaay too short.

the "sexy funeral".

so formal was fun, albeit the too-shortness. although, we are the only ones at fault for that complaint: it took us about forty five minutes of wandering Knott's Berry Farm until we finally found the dance floor.

my grandparent's house is nice. i want to steal it.

that's the waiting room for their bathroom. they have a waiting room for the bathroom. let us pause and absorb this information, think of our plain and waiting room-less bathrooms, and grow envious.

hmm, i rode chieftain today and now i must begin my math homework. je deteste les devoirs algebre! >:(

mais je t'aime! :D

i know, i know, his neck isn't round and my heels aren't down and everything about my form is bad, but he looks pretty, i do say.

and i am out, have nice eves, readers (aka maybe erin and maybe pace)


Pace Bailey said...

i'm going to assure you that i'll read every one you post. :D

Lizzy Newman said...
